Spousal Sponsorship

February 28, 2024

Eligible Sponsors:

  • Must be at least 18 years old.
  • Can be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or a person registered under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • If a Canadian citizen living abroad, must demonstrate intent to return to Canada when the sponsored individuals become permanent residents.
  • Cannot be a permanent resident living outside Canada.

Financial Responsibility:

  • Must prove not receiving social assistance for reasons other than disability.
  • Must provide for the basic needs of the sponsored individuals.

Undertaking and Sponsorship Agreement:

  • Must commit to providing financial support for sponsored family members when they become permanent residents.
  • Must repay any provincial social assistance received by sponsored family members during the undertaking period.
  • Sponsor and sponsored family members agree to certain responsibilities outlined in the sponsorship agreement.

Income Requirement:

  • Generally, no income requirement, except if sponsoring a dependent child with their own dependent children or a spouse/partner with dependent children.

Ineligible Sponsors:

  • Less than 18 years old.
  • Will not reside in Canada when the sponsored individuals become permanent residents.
  • Not a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or registered under the Canadian Indian Act.
  • Temporary resident (e.g., visiting, studying, or working in Canada on a visa or permit).
  • Permanent residence application still in process.
  • Lack of financial ability to support the sponsored individuals (if applicable).

Additional Spousal Sponsorship Ineligibility Criteria:

  • Sponsored by a spouse or partner less than 5 years ago.
  • Still financially responsible for a previous sponsored spouse or partner.
  • Already applied to sponsor the current spouse, partner, or child.
  • In jail, prison, or penitentiary.
  • Unfulfilled immigration loan, performance bond, or court-ordered family support payments.
  • Bankruptcy not discharged.
  • Receiving social assistance for reasons other than disability.
  • Convicted of specific criminal offences.
  • Facing a Removal Order and can’t legally stay in Canada.

Eligibility for Spouse:

  • Legally married.
  • Minimum 18 years old.

Eligibility for Common-Law Partner:

  • Not legally married to you.
  • Can be either gender.
  • Minimum 18 years old.
  • Lived together for 12 consecutive months in a conjugal relationship.

Eligibility for Conjugal Partner:

  • Not legally married or in a common-law relationship with you.
  • Can be either gender.
  • Minimum 18 years old.
  • In a relationship with you for at least 1 year.
  • Lives outside Canada for legal and immigration reasons.

Eligibility for Dependent Children:

  • Under 22 years old.
  • Don’t have a spouse or common-law partner.
  • If 22 years or older, unable to financially support themselves due to a mental or physical condition and have depended on parents for financial support since before the age of 22.

Additional Information for Spousal Sponsorship:

  • Sponsored individuals must provide all required forms and documents with the application.
  • Any additional information requested during processing, including medical exams and biometrics, must be provided.

Sponsorship Scenarios:

  • If sponsoring your own child, name the child as the principal applicant.
  • If sponsoring your spouse or partner and their child, name the spouse or partner as the principal applicant and the child as the dependant.

Contact now to book your free assessment.